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Food Allergy Empowered

Food allergy diagnoses are rising rapidly - it is estimated that 1 in 12 children in the U.S. have at least one food allergy. Navigating the challenges of living with food allergies can be daunting, but with the right support and resources, it is possible to feel empowered to eat safely through clear communication, education, and advocacy.

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Let's raise awareness about the seriousness of food allergies.

My son, Kevin, now fourteen, was only about a year old when he had his first anaphylactic reaction to wheat. I remember being in the back of an ambulance, with the oxygen mask over his mouth, terrified by what I was witnessing – including a full body rash and labored breathing. When we learned he was experiencing an allergic reaction to food, I was confused, scared, and wondering what to do next. We have since learned Kevin has multiple and severe allergies to wheat, peanuts, tree nuts, dairy, egg, seafood, and mustard.


Until you have a close loved one diagnosed, you don’t think about the role that food plays in modern culture. Birthday parties, sporting events, holidays, etc. Even schools can be a tough place to feel included as there is still a lot of resistance from other parents, classmates, and in rare cases – teachers. I believe this stems from a lack of understanding of the severity of food allergies.


I created Food Allergy Empowered as a platform for other parents, families, and friends of the allergic to hear my stories in hopes of helping them to navigate their journey and including resources I wish I had 14 years ago.

I also hope to raise awareness about the seriousness of food allergies and help grow the alliance of food allergy allies. By posting opinion pieces, personal stories, and current news articles, I aim to empower individuals and families to turn their food allergy challenges into a labor of love.

Thank you for visiting Food Allergy Empowered!


This platform is dedicated to you, Kevin.

Let's Connect

I welcome your feedback and hope this site is helpful to all. Please email me to connect or make suggestions for improving our site!

From the Blog:

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